Just going to pull a few quotes and give my take for what it is.
I have gathered there is still minimal player interest in actual PVP right now. Player sentiment just isn't there. There's some dueling here and there, but no matter how many people get heavily equipped on both sides, PVP just isn't there.
That was basically the thrust of what I was saying already. The majority of players willing to play dark auras as one-offs have always primarily been interested in the PvP aspect of the game. Without PvP you don't see those people joining team dark side at all. To date myself, there aren't a ton of Smagglers around these days.
The lack of critical mass makes end game gear runs more difficult, so those explorer players also don't sign up either. The lack of critical mass of players to interact with keeps the RPers away. On the flip side, the majority of players who "always go" lightie usually do so because they want as little to do with PvP as possible in my experience giving them a much larger and more stable base of players.
And worse than that it [REDACTED] with your RP! How am I gonna pretend that I have the strength to overtake the light and expand the Empire or whatever when I can't even survive a bolt of glory and I have two other people in my tribunal who log on sometimes versus a who list of lighties?
This is what I meant when I was talking about with the power fantasy of evil characters. There is way more room within everyone's collective mindspace for good aligned characters to be about something that isn't just physical conquest than evil characters. It's a double whammy to be pushed in a direction that you aren't exactly very competitive in.
One of things I personally wanted to do was turn Menegroth a little further towards a grey-dark capitalist hellscape where economic power was as important as taking heads just because I thought it might give more space for "less evil" character concepts to develop and thrive. More Tywin Lannisters less Darkstars. Let's just say it wasn't a very popular idea at the time, but I still think part of the solution is opening up thematic space a little for evil people too.
I'd also add to the list of evil downsides just having your own side be a threat at all times, unlike lighties, is a huge deal.
I would start from the builder perspective to make some very strong scripted items darky only.
I'm just curious how this doesn't end up encouraging more in-fighting in the darkies you do get for the super powerful items. Maybe religion restricted or something to lower the competition? There have already been multiple instances of hurt feelings OOCly over someone taking someone else's ore for instance.
Unlike lighties where once someone has an item it's basically tough [REDACTED], the evil people don't have that restriction. Also, most of the stuff you're talking about scripted items wise just seems to be focusing more PvP power via scripting since we can't via coding, and it seems like it would make the "evil player base" worse not better by adding a large additional dose of haves and have nots, just within the alignment itself.
We've already seen a ton of people only picking a religion based on what the sacred suit was for instance, so I do worry that even something like a racial or religious restriction on gear to eliminate some of the in-fighting would have similar if not even more exaggerated consequences.
I’m gonna give my most controversial opinion yet: the nightmare temple energy armor should be darkie only. Always made me lol to see paladins wearing “void of dark energy”
While it's not the same as zapping, many of the items that are clearly one aura or another are set up in a way they enchant worse for people of the wrong alignment. There was also a pretty clear push from players of the past to eliminate zapping as much as possible so more equipment is useable by everyone. Considering the lower number of players now it might make sense to revisit the zapping on some things.
I mean, I would even play a necromancer if it wouldn't be such a chore to level one up, and I can level characters fast. Playing a necromancer would be straight up miserable, and I don't need that level of method acting in my life to roleplay a solid character.
Necromancers are probably one of the most actually changed classes in the past twenty years, so if it's been awhile since you played one I would encourage you to try leveling one before writing it off as miserable. They can create their own pets, they can heal their undead and themselves, they protect themselves from undead aggro which is very helpful in some specific areas, etc. Most of the changes aren't directly related to their power level end-game compared to the past, so they aren't nearly as feared. But they also aren't nearly as hard to level either.