Shattered Kingdoms

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 Post subject: Dig Two Graves II - Bonanza - July 1st - July 7th
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:20 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 314
"Every individual is different, but those upon a path of Pain and Suffering are destined to feel that anguish within their soul for eternity."
- Kaylia Torrea, Shikome priestess

The deep-elves long enmity with the elves has always impacted all of Pyrathia, even if it is often easier for the other races to ignore the strife. A small combined force of Ventaro, Darkholme, and Darnek had been negatively impacting the weather of Ayamao for centuries, but when unable to do more than annoy King Felgaros with their current strength, they sought a higher power. House Ventaro's long worship of the Maiden of Suffering hearkened back to a time when Winter was seen as more than just a guise, but a true source of unlimited power... a power another has laid claim to.

With an explosion of cold and death, a section of mountain in northern Ayamao was transformed into a display of power and suffering. The icy remains scattered throughout the area remain as pristine as the violent moment they were created, frozen in time as well as horror. A shrine adorned with an orb of blue flame remains at the site, unable to be extinguished, and is a likely harbinger of a painful future to come.

Those brave adventurers who made the mistake of using Lord Emmao's name at the shrine had their souls forcibly summoned to the Daimyo's domain of Kakuri, a domain he wishes to expand into Pyrathia to bring "enlightenment" to as many as possible by any means necessary.
Join us from 8AM System/9AM PST/4PM GMT on Wednesday, July 1st 2020 to 8PM System/9PM PST/4AM(THUR) GMT on Tuesday, July 7th 2020 for a period of bonus XP and other events.

[Extra Extra - Read All About It]

July 1st - July 12th

In these cold and trying times information is at a premium, and the Zavijah Press intends to encourage the free flow of vital information and accounts for the betterment of all. To that end, a monetary reward of two obsidian has been established to encourage everyone to post their significant contributions on the public noteboards throughout the realms.

First hand accounts, discussion of tactics, spreading of useful information, and most other forms of useful posting will qualify. The best authors as voted on among their scholarly peers after a period of time will receive an additional monetary prize

To encourage a diversity of thought a maximum of two postings will be rewarded per author, but all postings will be considered for the overall rewards. All rewards will provided at a time after final voting.

(Players with multiple characters are welcome to participate from multiple perspectives, as well as obtain multiple overall rewards, but sadly the smaller individual contribution limit will be viewed on a per account/player basis.)

[One Religion's Heresy is Another's Revelation]

July 2nd 4PM Server/5PM PST/8PM EST/3AM GMT(Light) - July 2nd 6PM Server/7PM PST/10PM EST/5AM GMT(Dark if warranted) (Grey are welcome at both)

The Daimyo of the Dark, Lord Emmao, has claimed to confirm his own divine parentage and a desire to claim all of Pyrathia for his domain of Kakuri. Efforts have already begun across the realm to gather what little information currently exists about this frozen hellscape, both in the shadows and in the light.

Tacticians, magical theorists, and religious scholars have started to pour over the heretical tome of ice to see if they can either predict the next steps Emmao will take in service of his goals, or determine how to gain further information of the dark lord's plans. Share your possible insights, or simply peruse the heretical text with your own eyes.

[Finding Clear Answers Requires a Clear Question]

July 3rd 5PM Server/6PM PST/9PM EST/4AM GMT

After much discussion of the issue at hand with the Archmage of the Torrum Arcana and the sharing of intelligence between all gathered, it has been decided the most logical course of action is to determine exactly how Lord Emmao has found foothold within the realms of Pyrathia. With the Archmage working to create the proper spell of divination making use of the flesh from denizens to Kakuri it is likely a plan of action will be formed.

The forces of the Light were given a vision of Emmao's anchor into Pyrathia by Archmage Stephanos, but it was unclear whether or not it was the lesser god of Winter, or the frozen portal that stood behind him. Equipped with a enchanted jewel of elflight, they traveled through the Frozen Wastes and not only fell the lesser god, but activated the jewel in an attempt to destroy the portal for good. Alas, the portal only significantly cracked open, releasing streams of blue energy into Pyrathia that began to form portals across Taslamar letting loose strange ice-born creatures into the world.

[Portals Portals Everywhere but Not A Gate to Take]

The portals that have begun to spring up across Taslamar and Uxmal bring with them frost elementals and other strange creatures, but the portals themselves also seem to have taken life and resist their own closure. While dangerous, it does give the skilled adventurer the opportunity to close a portal with their bare hands if needed, however as long as the portals remain open they will continue to give passage to more and more minions until exhausted.

The Archmage Stephanos has installed his apprentices at key positions in Taslamar(Temple), Teron(Side of Inn), and Nerina(Temple) where they are ready to extract the snowflakes energy and send it to the Archmage for storage. Others may be collecting these sources of power for their ability to refresh the body, or perhaps for other more unknown purposes...

Who will collect the most energy? Will anyone harness enough energy to take the fight to Emmao in time? How will the creatures react to prolonged exposure to Pyrathia?

July 4th - ???

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