Shattered Kingdoms

Confused about raising stats
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Author:  Wishing_I_was_Batman [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Confused about raising stats

Hey, I just joined the game and I've been a bit confused on how I raise stats like INT. I've played a MOO where we had a command that would let us spend our skill and stat points to raise skills/stats at will, so this is an entirely new system for me. I've been looking all over the help files and site, but I have not been able to come up with much of anything. I understand I use trainers for skills and such, is it the same for stats?

I'm still trying to grok alot of the way everything works here, but I am making progress!

I appreciate any and all help and look forward to playing with you all.

Author:  Syn [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

Certain skill teachers will train certain stats.

Find a teacher NPC and type 'train stat' and they should say what they train, then you do 'train stat <stat>'.

You get 3 attribute points at creation, and then 1 every even level, with lvl 50 being the end.

Author:  Trosis [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

Go to a trainer where you train your skills.
Type "train stat" and you'll get a list of stats that that trainer is willing to teach.
Train stat str
Is an example of how to actually increase it.

You'll see how many stat points you have when you type "score" or "attributes." (Can't remember which one.

You gain stat points by increasing your level. You usually get one every other level. (But don't quote me on that)

Hope that helps.
Welcome to SK, batman.

Author:  Wishing_I_was_Batman [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

Thanks for the info! That is exactly what I needed!

Author:  grep [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

Train stat, when done in front of a stat trainer, will list the number of
times you may train any statistic, and will show the stats that you have not
yet reached the maximum racial ability.

Train stat will increase one of your attributes. You can increase
your attributes by using training sessions at a trainer. It takes one training
session to improve an attribute by a single point. You may also use trains to
increase your hit points, mana, movement or your technique in magical art.
You receive one session every two levels.

Author:  Lumiere [ Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

Shouldn't this be a help file?

Author:  Meissa [ Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

help train
[Training help] train

Syntax: train
train <skill/spell>
train list
train level
train stat
train stat <stat>

Train will list the skills/spells that a trainer is qualified to teach.
You must be in the room with the trainer to use this command.

Train <skill/spell> will enable you to improve your knowledge of a specific
skill or spell from a trainer. In order to do this, you must find a trainer
who knows the skill or spell you wish to learn (some may be taught only by a
single trainer in the entire realms), and you must have enough experience
points to learn with. Trainers do often ask for payment as well.

Train level will allow you to advance a level when you are eligible for
advancement. Gaining a level is not automatic in Shattered Kingdoms. Score
and worth will let you know how much experience you have gained.

Train list will allow you to see all of your skills and spells at their
current level of knowledge. It can be used anywhere. Skills will list
all your skills at their currently trained levels, while spells will list
all your spells at their currently trained levels.

Train stat, when done in front of a stat trainer, will list the number of
times you may train any statistic, and will show the stats that you have not
yet reached the maximum racial ability.

Train stat <stat> will increase one of your attributes. You can increase
your attributes by using training sessions at a trainer. It takes one training
session to improve an attribute by a single point. You may also use trains to
increase your hit points, mana, movement or your technique in magical art.
You receive one session every two levels.

See also: score worth art mentor

Author:  Sadal [ Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats


help attributes
[Game help] score attributes affects report
Syntax: score
Score will show detailed information about your character.  This includes
basic facts such as status, race, class, money, load carried, current
health, and experience.  This command also shows whether you have any attribute
points available to use with the train stat command.
Attributes also displays detailed information about your character.  This
includes even more basic facts as well as your stats (strength, intelligence,
wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma).
Affects will list the current spells and skills which are affecting your
character - including any detrimental affects.  This command can sometimes
explain that your character cannot speak properly, cannot move or is otherwise
impaired because of one or more negative affects.
Report shows your current statistics to you and also announces them to
other players in the room.  This command also works as the outlaw command
when in front of a magistrate. 
See also: outlaw stats sizes

and help stats

Stat stats statistics
[Training help] Statistics

Your statistics are the measurements of your physical and mental abilities.
Each stat defines a certain part of your character's physical or mental traits.
There are three stats which define your mental characteristics and three which
define your physical characteristics. The stat command is limited to use in
areas which you have building privileges.

Mental Attributes              Affects
     INT       intelligence      skill increases & concentration
     WIS       wisdom            spell save & mana
     CHA       charisma          songs, leadership & experience

Physical Attributes            Affects
     STR       strength          physical power & weight capacity
     CON       constitution      stamina, toughness, & health
     DEX       dexterity         reflexes, quickness, & carry capacity

See also: attributes train training con dex int str wis cha art

P.S. I encourage anyone to make sure they look over the "see also" files. These give related topics plus it helps a lot with the syntax. The help files don't work like a keyword search. You need to have the right syntax for it to work, for example "Help attribute" doesn't provide anything but "help attributes" gets you the help file. So if nothing comes up on the first try, then try it a little differently or try a related topic you do know has a help file to see if the syntax is there in the "see also" section.

Author:  Syn [ Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

Also 'help sadal' for info on the best imm ever. Xoxoxo

Author:  Meissa [ Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Confused about raising stats

Sadal wrote:
You need to have the right syntax for it to work, for example "Help attribute" doesn't provide anything but "help attributes" gets you the help file. So if nothing comes up on the first try, then try it a little differently or try a related topic you do know has a help file to see if the syntax is there in the "see also" section.

Then, please, send a quick prayer or bug report. It's really easy to add variables to a help file. In fact, I have patched attributes just now.

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