Shattered Kingdoms

Newbie help - I want to enjoy, but it is very frustrating
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Author:  netrate [ Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Newbie help - I want to enjoy, but it is very frustrating

I understand that text based games are not for everyone, but having tried SK this afternoon (using the CMUD client), I found myself not wanting to continue playing.

The first part is, I am guessing, an orientation or training module - after selecting the character and traits.
I awoke with a headache. I used the "u" command twice and found myself in the rainbow room. From here, I tried 2 word commands, some of which didn't work. I used the HELP but found this not particularly helpful because it did not come with examples of use. Next I went N to the Training hall for all. In that look first room I remember there was a clay statue. I tried

Get statue:
There is no statute to get.

I tried Examine statue - it said it has a clay hide. I tried "get hide", the answer - "you don't see hide here"
Next I tried Fight, battle and finally "hit". That seemed to work. After I have "killed" the statue, it said there was copper coins. I tried almost everything I could think of to collect, get, pick but I could not pick them up.

Being a newbie, I guessed I was doing something wrong. I then continued onward and came to a room with a mirror. I tried Examine mirror and it said the there was something behind mirror. I tried "move mirror" - there is no mirror here.
If these room are for training, I really was hoping that there might be a better explanation for what a player is supposed to do. After some research I found "Mentor". This brought up someone willing to help, but when I tried "TELL MENTOR", it said that I need to verify my email address first - I checked and I had not received one.

I want to continue, but whether I am a bit dense or this game is more difficult to get into than most, I cannot say.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie help - I want to enjoy, but it is very frustratin

hi -- I would love to help you!

Author:  archaicsmurf [ Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie help - I want to enjoy, but it is very frustratin

Sorry to hear your troubles. Some common Syntax issues that take some adjustment.

Rooms will have the following:
A title
A desription
Obvious exits
Items that are get-able - "get [item]" (easily confused with pick, which is the command for picking locks)
Items that are consumable - "eat [food]"
And NPCs that are hit-able - hit NPC
Items that are non-getable and are features of the room (such as an altar, fountain, or table)

If it's a NPC you can "consider" it to determine the level of challenge. For example:
consider clay - to assess your current level against the level of the clay statue
As a general rule if a NPC considers as "Death will welcome you" or "Much more powerful than you" - best to stay away and come back when you're stronger. "Tough challenges" are the sweet spot, usually.

tell [character name] - will allow you to communicate with someone on the "WHO" list. When you request a mentor, those available/relevant receive an email. Sounds like you need to confirm your email address to communicate, which is news to me.

When you type "tell mentor", the game is looking for someone named Mentor. So you'll need to see who-se online first and then TELL them directly.

Author:  jreid_1985 [ Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie help - I want to enjoy, but it is very frustratin

Check your inbox for some basic intro commands and let me know if you run into other issues.

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