Shattered Kingdoms

CRS - A Poll
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Author:  fridgeraider [ Wed Feb 09, 2005 1:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

As I been saying for months my main gripe has been that people can take Relics while there is none of another cabal online. Something needs to be done to correct that problem.

I agree that another big problem is that the CTF system has not promoted anymore RP with PK, just mindless PK for Relics from differant groups to make your guardian stronger. It's the same repetitive thing, where as in the past there has been differant reasons to seek out and PK another cabal, such as the Teron wars. CTF has made cabals to static IMO, and finding a way to make them less repetitive would be a greatly appreciated improvement.

It's a good idea, but it needs work just like every other good idea. Edison didn't invent a light bulb in one night he had to keep tweaking it before it was successful.

Author:  Smaggler [ Wed Feb 09, 2005 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

fridgeraider wrote:
...Edison didn't invent a light bulb in one night he had to keep tweaking it before it was successful...

Actually it took Edison over 10,000 attempts.

Good luck Dulrik!

Author:  Likar [ Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

One of my first memories of SK was when the MC came into Exile and Midnighted the town square(nother thing that I miss, no inn's), Since I was a fighter...I think...they were all invisible and so I couldn't see them. They killed everyone, except newbs who entered the room. There was PK without the CTF, and there was good RP, possibly better. It definatly needs to be fixed, and I think almost everyone is just waiting for the update.

Author:  nothingxs [ Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

No amount of reworking of the system will make it suck less or be any less detrimental unless it is outright removed or rethought from the ground up. Even then, I would rather not come play a game that has a fixed, pre-built system that surrounds cabal conflict.

I could likely come up with a better system that, while infinitely harder to code, would probably not suck anywhere as much, and have also suggested such plans before a long time ago in the Gameplay forum -- if anyone remembers my insane ranting about how to make [REDACTED] works.

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