Shattered Kingdoms

We NEED a lawful neutral alignment.
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Author:  Muktar [ Wed May 24, 2006 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chaotic Good would fall under scrupulous. Although, the current definition of scrupulous needs a real reworking after having an interesting converstion with Lei Kung.

[edit] The current definition allows chars to be remorseless. Which, being remorseful(sp), is one of the fundamental values of being good.

Author:  mageZorekin [ Thu May 25, 2006 1:30 am ]
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Dulrik wrote:
I don't believe in "true" neutral.

Dulrik is a non believer.

Author:  Jardek [ Thu May 25, 2006 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Quickly, upgrade to beige alert!

Author:  Tioras [ Thu May 25, 2006 3:48 pm ]
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I vote yes. I was really frustrated when I rememberd that Briner's alignment was 'Anarchist'. Neither that nor unprincipled really fit the bill of his views. Everything was for the greater good of Zhenshi. Not for the Light, not for the Dark.A guy like Briner, or Avaleena, or Youma, (at least as I've seen them) is a different type of leader than most. He's not Frollith, and he's not Slayne. But he does believe in a non-chaotic existance. I think this would be a very effective alignment for Druids as well.

I vote yes.

Author:  kafriel [ Thu May 25, 2006 3:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

D does not believe in true neutral..alright then what is unprincipled then?
Unprincipled -- selfish
Anarchist -- selfish
anarchist is CN... true chaotic
unprincipled then is LN?!?!?!!?
so This poll han no meaning just change it into we need a change of heart..we need a N to make new chars for the new commoner class D is about to bring up!
on an we need a NG alignment....

Author:  Xain [ Fri May 26, 2006 1:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lawful Neuteral is dark in sk. It's Abberant. Honor before death, before evil, before good. Honor is everything.

As I figure and play it, unprincipled means your ethos are similar to the countries. You don't break the laws of your own country unless the leader is entirely unreasonable AND oppressive. Other countries though.... well that's politics.

Anarchists, care, alot, about what they care about. It's sort of like Abberant but it's friends and personal satisfaction before everything else. They will break laws in their own country but they won't betray a true friend.

"Consider how law-abiding a typical paladin would be in Krychire."
Maybe Norjondar was nontypical. He was good until the undead guards beat up on the innocents. What was it, 20 hours jail time? I brought half the library with me. Some of it was consficated. I was hoping on developing a competing tribunal with the council, or blood swords. Ah well.

Author:  kafriel [ Fri May 26, 2006 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Aberrant -- evil
Actually abberant is the LE cheers a dark type of honor much like ho you describe it but...When a awfull charcter is dedicated to a religion he does care more about the religion and the fullfilment of its he does serve evil.
So how come is unprincipled a lawfull character?
is a Judge unprincipled?
Is Ain Unprincipled?
I mean...In this game I see very little care for alignments in their true sense... nough said!

Author:  Forsooth [ Fri May 26, 2006 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's been explained that for deities, the alignment system is a little different. Instead of good-selfish-evil, gods have moral-amoral-immoral. Ain is amoral, not caring about good or evil.

Would Ain best fit the aberrant alignment, if gods had normal alignments? OOCly, I think so. Don't expect much IC agreement on that, though. :)

Can you have an unprincipled judge? Absolutely! Consider a judge that upholds the law unless his personal interest is too great. He's not likely to let a killer go free for a modest bribe. But to ensure the welfare of his own children, he might well consider it. He might also be lenient on what he considers penny-ante crime, as well.

Just because a person is involved in law, or is employed by someone, doesn't mean we need to make a special lawful alignment for them. Such an alignment would be too broad to have much meaning.

Author:  One Valiant Truth [ Fri May 26, 2006 4:13 pm ]
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I recently thought of a good example of chaotic good RP while reading "Order of the Stick" and "8-bit theatre". Think Elan (the bard) and Fighter.

A truelly good hearted person that is always helping people...but he's an idiot. Can't help but mess up right and left and break laws. Sleeps with the governors daughter because she seduced him, touchs self distruct runes on buildings because their glowy, steals shiny gems from wizards because they are shiny.

Author:  kafriel [ Sat May 27, 2006 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are not only good and evil out there there is also law and chaos and there is as much war between those as there is between the light and dark.
Being lawfull does not mean that you are neither wise nor intelligent automatically nor does being chaotic or good hearted so...A judge that upholds the laws in his court and not outside means he is actually neutral in alignment and I mean TRUE neutral not immoral...morality is dependent on the alignment. A vampire drinks blood because he has a thirst to do so for him it is not a question of morality after drinking the blood of a dozen ...
Helping an emaciated man is not a moral question for a priest of healing it is only natural to do so for him...

I don't know why we post in this thread still though. Neither the alignment system is going to change nor th way people view it. Oh and my questions did not require any answers really:|

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