Shattered Kingdoms

Faction Leader Status
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Author:  Achernar [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Faction Leader Status

Midnight Council


- Leader and at least one deputy present
Orange (opportunity for leader)
- At least one deputy present, but no current leader
Red (opportunity for leader or deputy)
- Neither a leader nor a deputy present

What this means
If any seekers are looking to join one of the red factions, there's no way they can be inducted without immortal intervention. Use PRAY once you've made contact with the faction and they consider you worthy of joining.

There is only one leader in each faction, but deputies can induct new members.

What to do?
If you're in an orange faction, have a chat with those who are active in your group and see if they want to be a leader. Deputies are appointed by leaders (or patrons in the absence of leadership) but they are not the default/defacto leaders when a leader becomes inactive or steps down.

To summarize
With new players joining the game and learning about the various factions, as well as regulars who want to gain access to spells and more roleplay opportunities, I think we all need to concentrate and make sure that folks aren't left hanging in limbo just to join.

Updated on December 17, 2018 by Algorab

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