Shattered Kingdoms

Hoarding Code Annoyance
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Author:  Volgacks [ Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Hoarding Code Annoyance

- Time spent in no-transport rooms doesn't count for keeping items
- Time spent in the wilderness counts less for keeping items
- Time spent at the inn counts more for keeping items

Be it that some months I have the chance to be in the game a lot and other times I feel I lack the proper time invested. A couple of times I felt that spent enough time in the game but not enough time idling in a inn. This hasn't done much other then empty my bank and taken a few items that could be gotten again.

This month it seems that I spent most of my time doing stuff with others in no-transport zones (because that is where stuff happens) and then logging out when we are done or leaving mid adventure. Of course I have no solution that would balance this with this mostly being a complaint. Any one else have this issue or a personal solution. Just seems like the code is telling me to sit in an Inn rather than go do stuff when I will be expecting less playing time.

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