Shattered Kingdoms

Religion/Cabal/Faction Forums
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Author:  Sadal [ Mon May 07, 2018 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Religion/Cabal/Faction Forums

Hi all, there has been some trouble between the game and the forums talking to each other. I have just gone through the forums to clean up and add people where necessary.

If you find that you are no longer in a forum that you should be please make sure you have used the forumid command in game and then shoot me a PM. Or if you find that you are in a forum that you shouldn't (or don't want to be in) please let me know.

If you have just joined a religion/cabal/faction and need to be put in a forum please use the forumid command and send your patron Imm or me a PM.

If you have retired a character or left a cabal/faction please send me a PM.

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