Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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 Post subject: Low Player Count - Relaxing the Rules on Multiplay/Tribunals
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:39 am 

Joined: Fri May 08, 2020 8:22 am
Posts: 29
Hello, I play at odd hours and for the last few weeks I've been on SK by myself alot. I can't really do much alone. This is happening often. I was wondering if we could get an enlistment command.

Basically, Enlistment would be something like immigrate/deportation. You do it at a judge or something with papers and it allows you to enlist or resign from a tribunal. I never see anyone so joining a tribunal if I wanted would be all but impossible. Tribunals are in the mind of an experienced player like me very powerful. You basically get a self resurrection ability for your characters for coin among many other things. Very good, especially if you play alone.

I was also hoping to have the rules for multiplay relaxed. I don't multiplay because it's against the rules but I was thinking that since there is no one or almost no one to play with multiplay could be limited to having two characters on at the same time. That would mean I could drop vials/scrolls for another character of mine to brew/scribe. I could squirrel away gear for another character of mine to consecrate/enchant.

I wouldn't ask this ordinarily but I think that we all need to accept that SK is very small and that it won't ever have a big healthy pbase. This game is and always has been a group oriented game so for me to really play in a satisfactory way I'm going to have to help myself.

I hope these rules changes get some consideration or even get put through. Playing SK is sometimes like beating a dead horse to get anything done.

I apologize for the negativity but the words are true. This is a great game but it needs players to function and since there aren't any at certains times I think these changes would help existing players.

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