Shattered Kingdoms

Minor Rules Update(Rule 6)
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Author:  Algorab [ Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Minor Rules Update(Rule 6)

I urge everyone to occasionally peruse all the rules as a refresher since many rules have been changed and clarified over the years, but there has been a specific change as of today 06/06/2020.

Added to Rule 6. NO EXPLOITATION OF BUGS OR GAME MECHANICS is the following the line

- Accessing another character's bank accounts through the use of spells or

This will begin being enforced effective immediately.

I personally favor a more comprehensive fix than a rules patch, but I hope this will serve as an effective preventative measure until such a time the issue can be addressed mechanically.

If you have and questions or comments, feel free to respond below.


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